
You May Be Reading This in the Bathroom, on Your Phone

Give Microsoft credit for this one: It’s ginned up a press release I have no choice but to pass along to you.

It’s designed to get me to mention today’s Windows Phone 7 launch (Katy Perry! Maroon 5!), and I’m totally fine with that. Because in return, Microsoft has provided us with a series of great statistics about “Bad Mobile Phone Behavior,” gleaned from a poll conducted by Harris Interactive.

If you like bathroom humor, you’ll enjoy these stats (via TechFlash):

  • 48 percent of adults think that it’s bad to talk on the phone in a public restroom.
  • 43 percent of adults think it’s not okay to text, email or Web surf in a public potty.
  • Which means, presumably, that the majority of adults think it’s just fine to talk, text and type away while you’re in the stalls.
  • Unless that means you drop your phone in the toilet, which 19 percent of adults 18-24 say they’ve done. (Me too, though I was well out of the demo by that point.)

