
How to Convert MP4 to FLV

Generally speaking, most files in storage are in MP4 or other popular formats, but now you want to make FLV video from them for sharing on Internet. Well, Aiseesoft Total Video Converter provides an easy way to solve this problem perfectly – acting as MP4 to FLV converter and convert MP4 to FLV.

The tips below will tell you how to step by step convert MP4 to FLV, even if you know nothing about the MP4 to FLV software before. Just follow the 1-2-3 quick steps.

1. Free download the easy-to-use MP4 to FLV Converter, install and run it.

Convert MP4 to FLV

2. Load MP4 video to the file list as many as you wish, choose FLV output format and set destination folder.

3. Click Start button. A moment later, you will get the converted FLV files with excellent quality in the output folder you set.

